Digital Donation

Ysgol Friars Secondary School in Bangor recently reached out to MHC in need of spare laptops to aid their students distant/virtual learning during the pandemic.

The IT Team at MHC were able to donate 10 old laptops to the school to help pupils and teachers whilst they are home learning. Richard Rooke, IT Manager of Ysgol Friars, expressed his sincere thanks. He said “These devices are being re-furbished and sent out to our Year 12 and 13 pupils as they have webcams – very useful if the student has interviews for university applications.

Laptops are the best devices to send out to pupils at home as they can be used without internet connectivity, with Microsoft Office provided, the students can keep up with work even with no or poor internet connection. As a school we do not have spare kit lying around so with the impact of the pandemic we have repurposed equipment from all around the school but the resources are not infinite. With the donation of the kit from yourselves we are now able to give 10 more students an easier way to keep up with their education rather than relying on doing their work on mobile phones or in some cases no IT equipment at all.”